Last additions - Gibson Summer Jam 2006 |

Final EE SG Pic131 viewsa great looking axeJul 31, 2006

EE SG #3132 viewsPic 3 of the new EE SGJul 31, 2006

Friday Night LPF Gang126 viewsFriday Night LPF GangJul 31, 2006

Ribbon Cutting for the Grand Opening of the New Historic Shop126 viewsRibbon Cutting for the Grand Opening of the New Historic ShopJul 30, 2006

Friday Night Gang124 viewsFriday Night GangJul 30, 2006

Assembly Line146 viewsInside the Historic ShopJul 30, 2006

NICE MAPLE125 viewsohhhhhhhhhhJul 30, 2006

Frank Hannon130 viewsFrank...Jul 30, 2006

Frank Hannon of Tesla & Myself134 viewsFrank Hannon of Tesla & MyselfJul 30, 2006

Henry on a Junior138 viewsNuff' SaidJul 30, 2006

LPF'er Murkat Working137 viewsJay "Murkat" installing electronicsJul 30, 2006

OCC Liberty Bell Chopper & Myself266 viewsOCC Liberty Bell Chopper & MyselfJul 30, 2006

My Daughter on the OCC chopper180 viewsMichelle & the OCC Liberty Bell ChopperJul 30, 2006

Pete Townsends130 viewsPete Townsends on the lineJul 30, 2006

Plek Machine146 viewsPlek machine making a passJul 30, 2006

Reverb and my 57 RI128 viewsReverb and my 57 RIJul 30, 2006

Dumble Amp138 viewsDumble amp used in jamJul 30, 2006

Elliot Easton SG137 viewspic #2Jul 30, 2006