Last additions - Devilleville |

95 viewsJun 05, 2008

95 viewsJun 05, 2008

100 viewsJun 05, 2008

94 viewsMay 21, 2008

131 viewsApr 10, 2008

104 viewsApr 02, 2008

HRDx board set125 viewsMar 26, 2008

HR 5F6A bias137 viewsJan 17, 2008

HR 5F6A123 viewsJan 17, 2008

HR 5F6A layout306 viewsNov 02, 2007

M8162114 viewsOct 31, 2007

footswitch102 viewsOct 12, 2007

129 viewsOct 06, 2007

116 viewsOct 06, 2007

130 viewsAug 12, 2007

HR 5F6A layout oldb385 viewsThis depicts the first drawing of an experimental hybrid of a basic 5F6A circuit in a Fender* Hot Rod Deville chassis using the HRDv power supply and output transformer and a 240V mains supply. It is intended for recreational use and the author assumes no responsibility for it's accuracy or safety. It has been drawn to scale in accordance with the latest information available. *Fender is a registered trademark of the Fender Musical Instruments Corp. and is in no way associated with this information.Aug 10, 2007

deville supply97 viewsAug 02, 2007

123 viewsJul 20, 2007