Most viewed - Shell Pink Strat Project |

312 viewsShell Pink (DuPont formula) before clear & amber coats-

Shell Pink MIM/USACG225 viewsShell Pink MIM/USACG Makeover Strat. Front & back photos show a little bit of the aging I did to the finish.



131 viewsMore of what I found-

126 viewsThis is the body after stripping & re-radiusing the edges. It has been primed w/shellac (Zinnzer).


119 viewsModified USACG headstock sporting an ILLEGAL decal. For shame.


115 viewsDetail of the sanding job I found under layers & layers of polyester-

113 viewsAfter the first few coats of clear-

109 viewsMore of what I found-

104 viewsA USACG neck will go on the body. Brazilian rosewood, flamed maple, 6105 frets. I got the neck w/the neck raw & unsanded so I had to do a little shaping on it as well as making the headsock or Fender-like. This is after the shaping & one or two coats of clear-

104 viewsWhat I found under the poly-

103 viewsDetail shot of poly stripping-

100 viewsNo wonder the poly goes on so thick!

98 viewsTaking off the poly-

97 viewsSTILL taking off the poly!!!