Most viewed - GuitarDean's Gallery |

203 viewsEnlarging the Bigsby strap hole

203 viewsBoth in place now, Time to add the Bigsby

203 viewsThe finished product

201 viewsEVERYTHING is in place now, ready for strings and my first visit to Whambulation City

201 views1963 Warner Brothers Beatnik Banty Rooster

198 viewsAging an LP

196 viewsDe-burring the drilled out washer


196 viewsFull Layout

196 viewsNew innards and a top wrap. She is one bad lil mother...

192 viewsUpclose and in the Sun

191 viewsDrilling the washer out to .387 dia.

191 viewsBody @ 45 degrees

191 viewsWith Lid

191 viewsControl cavity with original factory hardware and TONS OF FLAME!

190 viewsLookin' gooooood

190 viewsMy '57 RI Gold Top and Me

188 viewsTop Prep #2
238 files on 14 page(s) |
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