Most viewed - billd13's Gallery |

In the Studio with R6102 views6 5247 in my studio

102 views7 6425 headstock with Kluson Waffleback tuners and Kink's aged trussrod cover

1958 Show OF Stars Tour100 views1958 Show of Stars Tour with Paul Williams Band in the back at Atlantic City's Steel Pier

100 views7 6425 and 4 7128 Kluson Waffleback tuners

on Stage-399 viewsOn stage at the Alan freed Show at the Brooklyn Paramount Theatre in September 1958 with early 1952 Goldtop



on the set96 viewsOn the set filming 1958's movie "Let's Rock" again with the 52 Goldtop

1958 Atlantic City96 views1958 Show of Stars Tour with Paul Williams Band in the back at Atlantic City's Steel Pier with the 52 Goldtop


Atlantic City Steel Pier94 views1958 Show of Stars Tour with Paul Williams Band in the back at Atlantic City's Steel Pier

93 views2 of my Customs with Kluson Waffleback tuners and Kinks aged truss rod covers

92 views6 5247 with Fatboy aged P90 covers, RS aged poker chip, pickguard and knobs

91 views1965 Stratocaster refin in natural around 1972

86 views1965 Stratocaster refinished in natural circa 1972

85 views6 5247 with RS aged knobs, aged pickguard and Fatboy aged P90 covers

71 files on 4 page(s) |
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